Teacher standing pointing at a white board

Mandy Winningham

Mandy Winningham English headshot


Phone: 405-726-3268

Email Mandy Winningham

My name is Mandy Winningham and I am absolutely thrilled to teach English at Boulevard Academy!   

I obtained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Central Oklahoma and began teaching in 2004.  Although I teach English, I also have degrees in Journalism, Biology, and Forensic Science. I’ve taught everything from English to creative writing to Shakespeare and even anatomy and physiology. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a student’s eyes light up when they finally “get” a concept or when you show them how improved their writing has become over the course of a year. I sincerely love my job and what I get to do every single day.  I consider myself extremely lucky to have such an amazing impact on so many kids.

My husband and I have a huge blended family, including my two boys and his three kids.  We are definitely family-oriented and enjoy time playing and traveling with our family and our silly pit-bull, Salty.  I also love to read, watch movies, dance, cook/bake, and go to music concerts and plays.   

I consider myself to be a very friendly, warm, accepting, outgoing, goofy person who loves to have fun in the classroom while teaching.  I’m beyond thankful for this opportunity to be a part of the Boulevard Family!